Chapter 10: Research Design Explained

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Review and improve your understanding of the material Quiz yourself Apply this information Get help
Review the basic steps of doing a simple experiment with this concept map.

Review the validity of simple experiments by studying this concept map.


Test yourself on the key terms with this
  • Use online calculators that make doing some advanced statistical analyses simple. For example,
Help with answering the end-of-chapter exercises.
  • Use the authors' online t test calculator to do independent t tests and to see the effects of sample size on values (for educational use only; for actual research data, use VassarStats)
  • Get a better sense of how often Type 1 errors occur, try this quick simulation.
  • To learn more about Type 2 errors and how sample size affects power, try this quick simulation.
  • If you are confused about the central limit theorem (p. 408), this 10-minute video from the Khan academy may help you.
  • This simulation lets you see the central limit theorem in action.
  • Get a better understanding of  random assignment by going through this short (it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes) but useful tutorial. If you only go through one lesson, go through lesson 2.
  • Use this short simulation to understand why you should treat your group means as just one of several possible means you could have obtained
  • Get some appreciation of how random error could make two groups differ--and how large sample sizes tend to reduce the degree to which random error will cause big differences between groups--by playing with this short simulation.
  • Review the basics of hypothesis testing by reading this short mystery.
  • Use this action maze to become more comfortable with the logic behind the t-test.
Take some practice quizzes Short, general quiz
More specific quizzes
  • Take 15-item quizzes over basic terminology (the first part of the chapter).
  • Take 11-item quizzes overType 1 errors, Type 2 errors, and power (the second part of the chapter).
  • Take 4-item quizzes over trade-offs involving power (the third part of the chapter).
  • Take 9-item quizzes over the logic of statistical tests (the fourth part of the chapter).
  • Take 10-item quizzes over the t test(the fifth part of the chapter).
  • Find out how to conduct a field experiment by reading "Web Appendix: Field experiments."
  • Get a better idea of the steps involved in conducting a study by reading "Web Appendix: Conducting a Study."
  • If you want to write up your method section, you may wish to download this presentation. as well as consulting the tips on writing a method section in Chapter 15 as well as the Method section part of the checklist in Appendix A.

  • If you want to write up the results of a simple experiment, you may wish to download this tutorial.
  • This web page will format your t test results correctly

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