RDE: Chapter 10 Interactive Exercises

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1. A simple experiment must involve random assignment.
2. A simple experiment must be done in a lab.
3. An experiment done in a lab will have more internal validity than an experiment done in the field.
4. An experiment done in the lab will tend to have more power than an experiment done in the field.
5. An experiment done in the lab will tend to have more external validity than an experiment done in the field.
6. A lab experiment will tend to be less affected by random error than an experiment done in the field.
7. Gender differences can be studied in a simple experiment.
8. In a properly controlled experiment, all of the control group participants would have the same scores on the dependent variable.
9. Leslie is examining the effects of caffeine on alertness. Leslie tests the control group at 7:00 a.m. and the experimental group at 7:00 p.m. Leslie´s study is a valid simple experiment.
10. If the control group scores are 3, 4, 5 and the experimental group scores are also 3, 4, and 5, the value of t is zero.
11. If you have a two-group simple experiment and the dependent variable is order in which participants finished a task (first, second, third, etc.), you should use a t test to analyze the data.
12. Null results confirm the null hypothesis.
13. Your dependent measure is how many seconds early or late that students arrive to class. For example, students showing up 60 seconds early would get a score of -60, whereas students showing up one minute late would get a score of +60. The distribution is not normally distributed. Instead, it tends to be "J" shaped. That is, whereas the average arrival time might be a minute before class, some people show up much earlier, but very few show up much later. If you have enough participants, you can legitimately do a t test on your data.

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