Test Yourself

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1. The average score for your treatment group participants provides an estimate of what the average score would have been had all your participants received the treatment.
2. To find the effect of the treatment, subtract the control group mean from the treatment group mean.
3. If scores within a group differ, these differences are due to random error.
4. Suppose that when we randomly select three scores from the control group of Experiment A, the scores are 6,7, and 8, and when we randomly select three scores from the control group of Experiment B, the scores are 0, 2, and 19. Which experiment probably has greater within-group variability?
5. Using reliable measures and standardized procedures will reduce within-groups variability
6. Between-groups variability is due, at least in part, to random error.
7. In which case, are the results most likely to be statistically significant?
8. All other things being equal, the larger the within-groups variability, the larger the difference between the treatment group and the control group must be to be statistically significant.
9. Experiments that study more participants are more likely to obtain statistically significant results.

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