Helpful Resources for Chapter 3:
Writing Research Reports and Research Proposals

pp. 63-67 What to include in a lab or research report

What your lab report or research report should look like

pp. 69-70 When reviewing your Abstract, be sure you include the 5 Ps--and usually include them in this order.
  1.       problem
  2.       participants
  3.       procedures
  4.       present findings related to the hypothesis (often including p values, effect sizes, and confidence intervals)
  5. (im)plications
p. 71: Additional sample outlines of introductions  (password is last word of  page 71's first paragraph)

pp. 79-81: Writing the Results section: To conform to the 6th edition guidelines, use RHYMES with confidence: Relate results to Hypotheses, using  Your Means, Effect sizes, Significance tests, and confidence intervals.

p. 81: Statistical tools

    Effect size calculators
    Power analysis calculators

    Confidence interval calculators

    Calculating general statistical tests (t tests, ANOVA, Chi-Square)
    VassarStats (a tremendous site!)

    A set of tools from SBSJU

    p-value calculators



p.82: A statistical tool that can do basic analyses and create APA style tables that you can paste into your reports.

p. 89, footnote 7

            Standard deviation calculators

                    From WebMath

                    From Xuru

                    From Professor Arsham

            Standard error calculators

                    Graphpad's  (note that SEM is an abbreviation for standard error of the mean)

            Confidence interval calculators

                    For one mean

                            One site

                            Another site

                    For the difference between two means

                            Graphpad's (In step 3, select the second button "A-B")

p. 89, footnote 8: Comparing two graphs

    Line graph example

    Bar graph example


        Making Graphs

            An online computer program from the U.S. government that will help you produce a graph.

  • A good tutorial on using Excel to make scientific graphs  

         Making APA-Style Graphs

                Bar graphs Just download the MS Word file, double-click on the graph you want, and replace the existing values with your values.  This is really easy! The password to use is the third word on p. 89.

                Line graphs Just download the MS Word file, double-click on the graph you want, and replace the existing values with your values.  This is really easy! The password to use is the third word on p. 88 (type it in lower case).

                    A great tutorial (with useful screen shots) that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to use Excel to make an APA-style graph .

                    Download a good tutorial (that includes many useful tips) on how to use Excel to make an APA-style graph

    p. 92: Having your word processor make the appropriate symbol representing certain units of measurement

                To make Ω (the abbreviation for ohm)

    Type 03A9 then, while holding down the "alt" key, click "x." If this does not work, be sure that, for the first character, you typed a zero instead of the letter "o."  Alternatively, you can make a  "Ω" by going to the "Insert" menu, selecting "Symbol...," and then scrolling down until you find it. When you highlight it, you should see the words "Greek capital letter omega" above the "AutoCorrect" button. To insert Ω into your document, just click the "Insert" button.

                To make ° (the abbreviation for degree),

    Type "00b0." (Note that you are just typing four characters--three zeroes and a "b"). Then, while holding down the "alt" key, click "x." Alternatively, you can make ° by going to the "Insert" menu, selecting "Symbol...," and then scrolling down until you find it. When you highlight it, you should see the words "DEGREE SIGN" above the "AutoCorrect" button. To insert ° into your document, just click the "Insert" button.

    p. 92: One page that will let you quickly find almost anything that you would need to know about units of measurement.

    p. 110: How to make hanging indents