Chapter 3: Research Design Explained

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Review and improve your understanding of the material Quiz yourself Participate in research and prepare to do research Get help
Visualize the material by looking at this concept map Test yourself on the key terms using one or more of these three quick matching tools Get a better sense of what research is like by participating in a study. Help with answering the end-of-chapter exercises
Get a better idea of the steps involved in conducting a study by reading Web Appendix C: "Conducting a Study"


To get more ideas on how to use theory to support your hypothesis by reading Web Appendix T:  "Using Theory to Generate Ideas." 

Take some Chapter 3 Practice Quizzes.


Review the null hypothesis, mediating variables, moderating variables, and the qualities of a good theory with this Sherlock Holmes mystery.

Do some interactive end-of-chapter exercises (multiple-choice format). Go through this action maze to make your hypothesis interesting.
Further review the material by


If you have a research hypothesis that you want to test, download this tutorial  that will help you write your Introduction.

Chapter 3 exercises

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