You are now at the Chapter 3 section of the book's student Web site.
Here you can
Review and improve your understanding of the material | Quiz yourself | Participate in research and prepare to do research | Get help |
Visualize the material by looking at this concept map | Test yourself on the key terms using one or more of these three quick matching tools | Get a better sense of what research is like by participating in a study. | Help with answering the end-of-chapter exercises |
Get a better idea of the steps involved in conducting a study by reading Web Appendix C: "Conducting a Study"
To get more ideas on how to use theory to support your hypothesis by reading Web Appendix T: "Using Theory to Generate Ideas." |
Take some Chapter 3 Practice Quizzes.
Review the null hypothesis, mediating variables, moderating variables, and the qualities of a good theory with this Sherlock Holmes mystery. |
Do some interactive end-of-chapter exercises (multiple-choice format). | Go through this action maze to make your hypothesis interesting. | |
Further review the material by
If you have a research hypothesis that you want to test, download this tutorial that will help you write your Introduction. |