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1. If you have not established that changes in the treatment are accompanied by changes in behavior, you have not established
2. Research that does not manipulate a treatment often fails to establish
3. Comparing conditions´ scores on the dependent measure helps
4. Randomized experiments and single-n experiments are most different in terms of how they
5. A stable baseline would be easiest to establish in a
6. The A-B design is vulnerable to both testing and maturation
7. The A-B-A design is superior to the A-B design because it is less vulnerable to
8. In A-B-A designs, the behavior
9. Expanding the A-B-A design to an A-B-A-B-A-B design would
10. Which of the following is a more direct extension of the A-B-A design?
11. Using many different levels of treatment may
12. Using placebo treatments has no effect on internal validity but boosts construct validity.
13. The most difficult case to make is for the single-n study´s
14. It might be argued that people tend to overestimate the single-n design´s ___ validity and underestimate its ____ validity.

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