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1. Between-subjects designs do not make efficient use of participants.
2. The matched-pairs design has internal validity because of random assignment.
3. The matched-pairs design has more power than a simple, between-subjects experiment.
4. A matched-pairs design will tend to be less affected by random error due to individual differences than a simple, between-subjects experiment.
5. To reach statistically significance, you need a higher t value for a matched pairs design than you need for a simple experiment using the same number of participants.
6. Both a matched-pairs experimenter and a simple, between-subjects experimenter will conduct an experiment involving 10 participants. To approach the degree of power that the matched-pairs experimenter has, the simple, between-subjects experimenter would have to study a more homogeneous group of participants.
7. The matched-pairs design will have less external validity than a simple experiment.
8. The matched-pairs design will have less construct validity than a simple experiment.
9. You should analyze interval data from a matched-pairs design using a(n)

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