Click on the first button to get scores for 50 individuals.
For your convenience,these scores will be put in a table at the bottom of this page and sorted from highest ot lowest.
As you look at these scores, realize that many of these scores will be inaccurate due to random error.
Put another way, scores you get for each individual will often differ from their true score because the score has been pushed up or down by random error.
Specifically, the "true" score for each these 50 participants is 50.
Click on the second button to retest those 50 individuals.
Note that, because, like all tests, this test is not perfectly reliable, an individual's score on the second test
will not be the same as that individual's score on the second test.
Also, note that there will be a pattern in how scores differ from test to retest--for individuals with extreme scores.
Specifically, extremely high scorers do not, on average, score as high on the retest.
Similarly, extremely low scorers do not, on average, score as low on the retest as on the original test.
This pattern will be more obvious once you click on the "Calculate Change" button below.