[qdeck] [q]Please click on the Flip button.
[a]These cards will test you on key statistical concepts in survey research.  When you see a box, type your answer in that box.
Then, click the "Flip back"  button to check your answer.  To get
started, click the "Show next card" button.

[q] Rather than survey everyone who is in the group you are interested in, you might take a sample from that larger group. The technical term for that larger group is the ________[textentry] [c]population [a]Yes! [c]* [a] No, the answer we were looking for was population.

[q] Use the ___ _______ test to do hypothesis testing with nominal (qualitative, categorical data, like gender or major) [textentry] [c] chi square [a] Yes. [c]* [a] No, the chi square test is the one to use with nominal data. You would use the t test if you had interval data.

[q] 95% of the time, the true value of the population parameter will be in this range [textentry] [c] 95% confidence interval [a] Yes, you were right. [c]* [a] No, the correct answer is 95% confidence interval.

[q] To see whether several questions on your survey seemed to be measuring the same construct, you might use a statistical technique called _______ ________ [textentry] [c] factor analysis [a] Right! [c]* [a] No, the correct answer is factor analysis, a technique used to explain the variability in several questions in terms of a smaller number of underlying factors.

[q] Using inferential statistics to determine whether a relationship in a sample holds in the population is called _______ ______ [textentry] [c] hypothesis-testing; hypothesis testing [a] Correct. [c]* [a] Sorry, the answer is hypothesis testing

[q] When computing the mean for a sample, that mean is a statistic; when computing the mean for the population, that mean is a [textentry] [c] parameter [a] Yes, a parameter. [c]* [a] No, a number based on the population is called a parameter.

[q] If you use the sample mean to guess the population mean, you are doing ___________ ___________[textentry] [c] parameter estimation [a] Right! You are doing parameter estimation rather than hypothesis testing. [c]* [a] What you should have said was parameter estimation.

[q] If you use the sample mean to figure out the range in which 95% of the population means will fall, you need to know both the sample mean and the _______ ________ .[textentry] [c] standard error; standard error of the mean [a] Yes, the standard error (of the mean) will allow you to determine the 95% confidence interval. [c]* [a] The correct answer is standard error of the mean.

 [q] If you engage in hypothesis-testing and conclude that the relationship between two variables in the sample probably holds in the population, your results were _____ _______. [textentry] [c] statistically significant [a] Correct [c]* [a] No, your results should have been statistically significant.

[q] If your results are not statistically significant and you had few participants, the failure to find significant results may be due to lack of [textentry] [c]power [a] Good! [c]* [a]The correct answer is power: the ability to find to find significant differences when a relationship exists.

[q] If a question asks a person to put themselves in a certain category (e.g., by race or gender) or to pick from several qualitatively different options (e.g., Do you prefer biking or tennis?), the question will produce ______ data. [textentry] [c]nominal [a]Yes. It is a nominal item that will yield nominal data. If it only offers two choices, it is a nominal dichotomous item. [c]* [a]No. It is a nominal item that will yield nominal data. If it only offers two choices, it is a nominal dichotomous item.

 [q] The ____ hypothesis can't be proven because the failure to reject it may be due to a lack of power.[textentry] [c]null [a]Yes! [c]* [a]The null hypothesis can't be proven because the failure to reject it may be due to a lack of power.

[q] The _____ hypothesis does not hypothesize a relationship between variables. [textentry] [c]null [a]Yes [c]* [a]No, the null hypothesis does not hypothesize a relationship between variables.

[q] Hypothesis testing involves trying to disprove the _____ hypothesis [textentry] [c]null [a]Good job. [c]* [a]No, hypothesis testing involves trying to disprove the null hypothesis.
