[qdeck] [q]Please click on the Flip button.
[a]These cards will test your knowledge of (1) types of survey questions, (2) types of surveys, and (3 ) types of biases that affect survey research.

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 [q]If a question can be answered in only one of two ways (e.g., agree or disagree, yes or no), it is a _____ question. [textentry] [c]dichotomous [a]Right! [c]* [a]No, such questions are called dichotomous questions.

[q]If a question, because it has a conjunction like "and" or "or" in it, is really asking two questions at once (e.g., Do you like music and reading), it is called a ___________ question. [textentry] [c]double-barreled; double barreled [a]Yes. Note that often a "yes" answer to such questions is easy to interpret, but a "no" answer is hard to interpret. [c]* [a]No, such questions are called double-barreled questions.

[q]If participants answer a question by choosing between two or more options (e.g., as in a "True/False" or multiple-choice question), that question is a _______ ________ question. [textentry] [c]fixed-alternative; fixed alternative [a]Right! [c]* [a]No, it would be a fixed-alternative question.

[q] If someone administers the questionnaire orally, the name of this research strategy would be called a() ________[textentry] [c] interview [a] Correct. [c]* [a] No, an orally administered questionnaire is called an interview.

[q] If the question suggests the desired answer, that is called a _______ question[textentry] [c]leading [a]Yes! [c]* [a]No, the type of question that leads the participant to the right answer is called a leading question. [q]A common type of question in which participants are asked to strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree is called a _____ ____ item.[textentry] [c]likert-type; likert type [a]Right! [c]* [a]Many 5-point scales in questionnaires are likert-type items.

 [q]The opposite of a fixed alternative question is a(n) _____ ______ question. [textentry] [c]open-ended; open ended [a]Right [c]* [a]Sorry, the opposite of a fixed alternative question would be an open-ended question.

[q]Content analysis might be needed to code the answers to ______ ________ questions. [textentry] [c]open-ended; open ended [a]Good job! [c]* [a]Sorry, content analysis may be needed to code the potentially quite variable and individualistic responses to open-ended questions.

[q]The written survey instrument [textentry] [c]questionnaire; questionaire [a]You are correct! [c]* [a]We know that you know that the correct answer is"questionnaire"

[q]Always agreeing with items, always disagreeing with items, always picking the middle or neutral response ware all examples of ______ _____. [textentry] [c]response sets [a]Right! [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was "response sets."

[q]When participants tell you about what they did, thought, or felt in the past [textentry] [c]retrospective self-reports; retrospective self reports; retrospective self-report; retrospective self report [a]Right! [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was retrospective self-reports.

[q]You should be very skeptical of participants' answers to questions that ask participants to make _______ self-reports.[textentry] [c]retrospective [a]Good [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was retrospective. Self-reports should always be questioned, and self-reports about past events even more so.

[q]The use of ______ _______ questionnaires eliminates interviewer bias and may also reduce social desirability bias. [textentry] [c]self-administered; self administered [a]Right! [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was self-administered.

 [q]______ _______ questionnaires are filled out in the absence of an investigator. [textentry] [c]self-administered; self administered [a]That is correct. [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was self-administered.

 [q]A(n)______ interview is constructed around a core of standard questions; however, the interviewer may expand on any question in order to explore a given response in greater depth. [textentry] [c]semi-structured; semistructured [a]Right, again! [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was semi-structured.

[q]In a(n) __________interview, there are no standard set of questions. [textentry] [c]unstructured [a]Correct [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was unstructured.

[q]A(n) __________interview is virtually worthless for collecting scientifically valid data. [textentry] [c]unstructured [a]You are right [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was unstructured.

 [q]In a(n) __________interview, all respondents are asked a standard list of questions in a standard order. [textentry] [c]structured [a]Yes! [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was structured.

[q]A(n) __________interview is the best interview for collecting scientifically valid data. [textentry] [c]structured [a]Correct [c]* [a]No, the answer we were looking for was structured.

[q] making responses anonymous reduces this problem[textentry] [c] social desirability bias; social desirability [a] Yes, social desirability bias involves doing or saying something to impress the researcher--and participants cannot impress the researcher if the researcher will not know what they did. [c]* [a] social desirability bias is the term we were looking for

[q]With ________ ________ bias, rather than giving accurate answers, participants give answers that make themselves look good. [textentry] [c]social desirability [a]Right! [c]* [a]Sorry, the answer we were looking for was social desirability bias.

[q]If you have several Likert-type questions that all tap the same dimension (such as attitude toward democracy) and you add up each participant's responses from the different questions to get an overall score, you have created a _____ score. [textentry] [c]summated; summated score [a]Correct [c]* [a]Sorry, the answer we were looking for was a summated score.


