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[q] a measure's ability to detect differences among participants  [textentry] [c] sensitivity [a] Yes, sensitive measures can distinguish between participants who are fairly similar on a variable. [c] sensitive [a] Correct. [c]* [a] Sorry, the correct answer is sensitivity.[q] with this scale, different numbers reflect different qualities but not different quantities [textentry] [c] nominal [a] Yes, you were right. [c] ordinal [a] No, with ordinal numbers, bigger numbers reflect more of a quality [c]* [a] No, the correct answer is nominal.[q] with this scale, you can find out who has  more of a quality, but not how much more of that quality they have. [textentry] [c] ordinal [a] Right! There is an order to ordinal numbers [c] nominal [a] No, there is no order to nominal numbers [c]* [a] No, ordinal measures tell you who has more, but not how much more.  [q] the measure looks valid to the average person [textentry] [c] face validity [a] Good job, do not confuse face validity with content validity. [c] content validity [a] No, content validity involves having experts determine whether the measure is adequately covering the material that a measure of that construct should cover [c]* [a] Sorry, the answer is face validity.[q] measures allow us to compare participants in terms of how much of a quality they have but not in terms of how many times more [textentry] [c] interval [a] Yes, interval. [c] ratio [a] No, with ratio measurement you can say both how much of a quality something has and how many times more of that quality it has. [c]* [a] Sorry, the correct answer is interval.[q] with this scale of measurement, you can make statements about how many times more of a quantity one person has than another [textentry] [c] ratio [a] Yes, ratio scale measure has an absolute zero and absolutely perfect accuracy. [c*]demand characteristics [a]No, anonymous participants could still try to prove the hypothesis. [c] interval [a] No, ratio scales have some interval properties, but interval scales cannot make the ratio statements that ratio scales can. [c]* [a] Sorry, ratio is the term we were looking for.[q] name of the effect that may cause the measure to be insensitive because participants cannot score as high as they should[textentry] [c] ceiling [a] Yes, with a ceiling effect, participants who are highest on the variable will probably not score higher than participants who are only moderately high on that variable. [c] ceiling effect [a] Yes, with a ceiling effect, participants who are highest on the variable will probably not score higher than participants who are only moderately high on that variable.  [c]* [a] The right answer is ceiling effect. [q] name of the effect that may cause the measure to be insensitive because participants cannot score as low as they should[textentry] [c] floor [a] Yes, with a floor effect, participants who are lowest on the variable may not score significantly lower than participants who are only moderately low on that variable. [c] floor effect [a] Yes, with a floor effect, participants who are lowest on the variable may  not score significantly lower than participants who are only moderately low on that variable.  [c]* [a] The right answer is floor effect.

