If you want to give students a gentle introduction to articles, just have them read Study 4 of
Markman, K. D., & Guenther, C. L. (2007). Psychological momentum: Intuitive physics and naïve beliefs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 800-812.
The entire article is interesting and well written. However, if you want student to boost students’ self-efficacy about reading studies, assign only Study 4 (it starts in the second column of page 807 and ends midway through the first column of page 808), and the appendix containing the scenarios that Study 4 participants read (Appendix B on page 811). To make the study even easier to read, (a) have students skip the first paragraph and (b) give them Table 1 (below).
Table 1 Helping Students Understand the Article |
Section |
Comments, and Problem Areas |
Study 4, 1st
paragraph |
of this paragraph summarizes an idea discussed earlier in the article: the
theory (Positive Momentum Theory) that people believe their team, their own
actions, and other people’s actions can—like a rock rolling down a
hill--build momentum. Note that the second paragraph clarifies this idea—without
the terminology. Thus, if you do not fully understand the first paragraph as
you read it, don’t be discouraged—you will
understand it better after you read the second paragraph. The
authors assume (incorrectly, in this case) that you have read the earlier
part of the article. Thus, although this paragraph does not contain complex
information, you could get a little lost in its terminology and abbreviations—unless
you refer to the notes below. Line 2: “naïve
premise”: what people believe to be true. Line 3: positive
momentum”: things are going very well; what many people just call “momentum.” Line 6: “PM”: abbreviation for “Positive
Momentum,” “PMT”: positive momentum theory Line 7: “construed”: viewed, seen Line 7: “extrapersonal force”: a force that is outside the person and not
under the person’s control – like gravity and momentum, it is not in you. Line 15: “higher degree
of positive momentum”: really on a roll |
Study 4, 2nd
paragraph |
Line 4, “experiencing momentum”: currently making good progress;
on a roll |
Method Participants
and design |
Note random assignment
makes it an experiment. Note that, although participants are sometimes run in
groups as large as 10, what booklet one person in the group gets does not
affect what booklet another participant gets. For example, when the researchers
ran 10 participants in one group, 5 of them might have been in the “momentum”
group and 5 might have been in the “steady” group. Thus, the research complied
with the requirement discussed on pages 285-287 of Research design explained—that observations be independent. |
Method Procedure |
Please see Appendix B, page
811 of the article. There you can read what the participants read. Note that,
except for the italicized part, the two groups read the same description. |
Method Dependent measures |
So, the dependent measure
was something like this How difficulty do you think
it will be for Jane to finish her paper by the deadline? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 not
very at all APA formatting
tip: Note that the words
describing what the numbers represented are italicized. |
Results and Discussion |
Note that, in this Results
section, you could understand what was going on, even if you ignored all the
numbers. The authors tell you what the results mean in terms of the
hypothesis and then use the numbers just to support their point. Try to use
that strategy when you write a Results section. Note also that the means
(abbreviated with an italicized M)
help the reader see what happened. That is, from the means we can visualize
the results as looking a little like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 not
very at all In other words, you could
imagine that the average participant
in the control group (Xc) made a rating
close to 4 (indicated by an “X” with a “C” subscript, “C” being for control), whereas the average
participant in the experimental group (indicated by an “X” with a “E” subscript,
“E” being for experimental) made a
rating of 5 or higher. SD: an abbreviation for standard deviation, a measure
of how spread out the scores are (to learn more about the standard deviation,
see pages 545-546 of Research design
explained). t(38)= 2.96,
p =005, d = .93: If you read
pages 310-313, you should know what this line of numbers means. Specifically,
you should know (a) how many degrees of freedom there were for the t test, (b) how many participants were
studied, (c) what the chances of obtaining this result would be if the
manipulation really doesn’t have an effect, and (d) about how large (small, medium, or large) most psychologists would consider this
effect to be. |