Guide to using the learning objectives

Learning Objectives for Chapter Six -- Beyond Reliability and Validity:  Choosing the Best Measure for Your Study


Pages 195-206


1.    Define1 sensitive. Explain2 the value of having a sensitive measure.

2.    Explain2 why a more valid measure is likely to be a more sensitive measure. List1 two steps that can increase a measureÕs validity and sensitivity.

3.    Explain 2why a more reliable measure is likely to be a more sensitive measure. Describe2one strategy you could use to determine whether a measure was reliable.

4.    Explain2 why a measure that produces a wide range of scores is more likely to be sensitive than one that does not. Then, describe2 three strategies you could use to maximize the chances that your measure will produce a wide range of scores.

5.    Explain2 why pilot testing is important in determining whether your measure is sensitive (use the terms floor effect and ceiling effect in your answer).


Pages 206-219


6.    Define1 nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Distinguish4 between the four scales of measurement (in making distinctions, be sure to rank the scales in terms of the informativeness of the numbers they produce). State1 the minimum scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) needed to make each of the following types of comparisons:

a.     finding differences between conditions,

b.    determining which conditions have more of a quality,

c.      determining how much more of a quality one condition has than another, and

d.    determining how many times more of a quality one condition has than another)

7.    Explain2 why a ratio scale measure of behavior might not be a ratio measure of a construct.



Pages 219-220



8.    Define1 face validity. Contrast4 face validity with construct validity. Explain2why a measure with face validity might be low in construct validity.




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