Tips for Taking Tests
- Test-Taking Tips From Eye on Psi Chi
- What to do before and after taking a test
- Dealing with the stress of exams
- Control your nerves using one of these simple breathing techniques.
- Think differently by:
- Realizing that most (and possibly all) the class is also stressed, so your being stressed does not put you at a disadvantage relative to the rest of the class.
- Asking "When I am 80-years-old, will I remember how I did on this test?
" Hint: You probably won't remember taking the test; you may not even remember taking the course.
- Knowing that your professor has designed the test so that students who know the material will do well. So, if you have prepared properly (i.e., tried to predict the questions that would be asked, answered those questions,
taken practice quizzes, and learned from what you missed on the practice quizzes), you've got this.
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