Getting and Staying Motivated
You can learn anything (30-second video from Khan Academy).
A 2-minute video
showing what you can do if you keep trying.
- The power you gain by accepting that you can change:
- Learning is hard but can be done. (Lessons from juggling: Just watch first
55 seconds if you want to learn about learning;
watch more if you want to learn how to juggle.)
- Little changes can lead to big improvements.
- Perseverance is under-rated; talent is over-rated. So, being the tortoise beats being the hare.
- If you find a course or lecture uninteresting, you have the power to make yourself find it interesting. As G. K. Chesteron wrote, "There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people."
If you can't seem to find it interesting, fake being interested until you make it interesting.
- You don't need to have more your will power: Changing your environment (e.g., studying in the library rather than on your bed, finding a more committed and supportive study group) can make a big difference.
- Set a high standard for yourself: If you are going to have to learn something anyway, why not spend a little extra effort to really know it? After all, if it's
worth doing, it's worth doing right. (Learn more about taking advantage of
your need for achievement.)
- If you aren't tapping into the power of goals to give you both energy and focus, use this
goal setting worksheet.
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