A person with right brain injury would be most likely to have trouble
A) Doing math problems
B) Writing an essay
C) Recognizing faces
D) Writing right-handed
After being hit in the head, Joe seems much less emotional and is not interested in food or sex. What part of his brain was most likely damaged
A) Cerebrum
B) Cerebellum
C) Limbic System
D) Hindbrain
John F. Kennedy died as a result of a gunshot wound. What part of his brain was most likely damaged by the bullet?
A) Cerebrum
B) Cerebellum
C) Limbic system
D) Hindbrain
After suffering a head injury in a motorcycle accident, Jim is very impulsive and seems to lose control. He is no longer conscientous and he has trouble planning. Jim may have damaged which part of his brain?
A) Cerebellum
B) Frontal lobe
C) Limbic system
D) Hindbrain
Alcohol is a depressant. Jill has had a few drinks and is now very clumsy. Alcohol has apparently depressed her
A) Cerebellum
B) Cerebrum
C) Limbic system
D) Left brain
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