Perception differs from sensation: the immediate response in the brain caused by excitation of a sensory organ.
Specifically, perception is both more than sensation and less than sensation because perception involves Perception is less than sensation because we ignore much of what our senses detect. To get an idea of how much we ignore, watch one of these videos about inattentional blindness: Perception is more than sensation partly because we organize and interpret what we sense
 H or I? I that could be an H M or W?
(It is supposed to be a W)
M that could be a W Why isn't this Under Armor logo an H? Under Armour logo is a U over an A but looks like an H
Given that we don't always perceive the same thing the same way--and even when we do, we may be wrong (e.g., illusions), when can we trust our senses? This is the question that other scientists (e.g., astronomers and biologists) wanted the science of psychology to answer. They desperately wanted answers because astronomers were reporting different observations of the same event, biologists had, for years, "seen" that humans have 48 chromosomes (now, they all accept that there are 46), and physicists were seeing "N-rays" --even though N-rays don't exist.

Unfortunately, many people do not ask whether they should trust their perceptions. Instead, they are naive realists: people who assume that their perceptions are accurate ("I see what's there"). Besides being wrong, naive realists often get into trouble--or cause others trouble--when they run into someone who does not perceive something the same way they do.

Gestalt Psychologists Show That Perception Is Active

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