Perception "Quiz"

1. Which of the following is the best example of proximity?

a. xox is one group
b.xxooo is two groups
c. ------- could be seen as a continuous straight line.
d. you focus on these words rather than on the light background.

2. The phi phenomenon

a. was an early demonstration of ESP
b.supported the structuralist's position
c. was an early demonstration of the fundamental principle of Gestalt psychology
d. was seen in some of the first clients treated by Gestalt psychotherapists.

3. Projective tests try to expose

a. perceptual hypotheses.
b. figure/ground relationships
c. inability to establish closure
d. similarity and proximity.

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1a. You chose a: "xox is one group." You're right! The reason you join those letters together is because they are close to each other.

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b. You chose b "xxooo is two groups."Sorry, that's wrong. Similarity best explains why you see the xx as one group and the ooo as another group. Try again.

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You chose c " ------- could be seen as a continuous straight line. "Sorry, that's wrong. The gestalt principle of closure is a better explanation for why you would fill-in the gaps to see a straight line. Try again.

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d You chose d, "you focus on these words rather than on the light background." Sorry, that's wrong. The words stand out against the background because of your tendency to divide the world into figure and ground. Try again.

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a. You chose"a. was an early demonstration of ESP." Sorry, that's wrong. There is very little scientific evidence of the existence of ESP. Try again.

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b.You chose "b.supported the structuralist's position."

Sorry, that's wrong. The structuralists believed the whole was equal to the sum of the parts. With the phi phenomenon, you are presented two non-moving images, but your mind sees more than that--it sees movement! Try again.
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c You chose "c. was an early demonstration of the fundamental principle of Gestalt psychology."

That's correct! .
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You chose " d. ."

Sorry, that's wrong. Gestalt psychotherapy has nothing to do with Gestalt psychology. Try again.
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You chose " a. ."

That's right! .
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You chose " b. ."

Sorry, that's wrong. .
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You chose " c. ."

Sorry, that's wrong. .
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You chose " d. ."

Sorry, that's wrong. .
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