Test Yourself
Take this quiz and see how you do. Select the correct answers by using the drop down menus. Once you are done, Click submit to see your score! The ones that you get wrong will have a check!
1. Which indicates a stronger relationship between two variables?
-- Choose an answer --
2. Which correlation coefficient indicates a stronger relationship between two variables?
-- Choose an answer --
3. Which correlation coefficient indicates a stronger relationship between two variables?
-- Choose an answer --
4. Which correlation is more likely to suggest that the null hypothesis is wrong?
-- Choose an answer --
5. A good survey should use
-- Choose an answer --
random assignment
random sampling
6. In studying attitudes, it would be best to use
-- Choose an answer --
a survey
7. A correlation of +1.00 between extraversion and happiness would mean that extraversion causes happiness.
-- Choose an answer --
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