Ms. Ima Sharpe
100 Resource Drive
City of Industry, CA 76278
(426) 754-5533

OBJECTIVE: To be an asset to your company through the application of my skills in writing, logical thinking, organizing, research, communication, and leadership.

EDUCATION: B.A. The Wright University

Major: Psychology

Senior Thesis: Reducing errors on a motor task

WRITING SKILLS: The rigors of conducting good research have honed my competencies in research proposal and reporting writing.

--I received an "A" for my research proposal.

--My research report was handed out in class as an example of how a research report should be written.

LOGICAL THINKING SKILLS: Training in research methodology has finely tuned my inductive and deductive reasoning. These powers of critical thinking are vital for optimal problem solving in any business situation:

--independent thinking

--ability to recognize problems

--ability to ask the right questions

--ability to make the abstract concrete

--ability to generate possible solutions

--ability to recognize the flaws of each solution

--ability to determine the best solution through research and analysis of relevant variables

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS: In order to plan, execute, interpret, and apply research I have developed and demonstrated organizational skills:

--arranged for experimental facilities and equipment

--recruited participants

--supervised and conducted an experiment

--organized The Wright University’s Annual Rat Olympics

RESEARCH SKILLS: As a consequence of my course in research design I know many research techniques:

--how to set up timetables for studies

--survey research

--experimental research

--library research

--how to use computer packages to analyze data

--how to interpret statistics

ORAL PRESENTATION SKILLS: To speak about research effectively I had to make the complex sound simple, the technical sound basic. To speak convincingly about research I had to be a good salesperson.

--I presented an experimental report at a regional psychology conference.

--I received an A+ for a verbal critique of technical research in class.


--President of Psi Chi

--Vice-president of the Student Experimental Psychology Club


My research methods professor.