This study is part of a research project on jury decision making. Imagine that
you are part of a jury selected for the trial of a man accused of robbery and murder.
The following is a summary of the information you hear during the trial. Based
on this information, answer the question at the bottom of the page. Although this is
a hypothetical situation, do your best to answer the question as you think you
would if you were actually a member of a jury hearing this case.

Description of the crime. On Friday, May 17, 2018, the owner of a small
grocery store was confronted by a man who demanded money from the cash
register. The owner immediately handed one hundred dollars to the robber, who took the
money and started walking away. Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, the
robber turned and fired two shots at the owner and his five-year-old
granddaughter, who was standing behind the counter. Both victims died
instantly. Two hours later, the police arrested a suspect, who was charged
with robbery and murder.

Summary of Arguments Presented by the Prosecution

Summary of Arguments Presented by the Defense
  • The defendant testified that he did not commit the crime.
  • The defendant testified that the money found in the room was his savings.
  • The defendant testified that the ammonia traces on his shoes could have been obtained at a different place because he worked as a delivery man.
  • The defendant testified that he had never fired a gun in his life.

    Based on this evidence, which rating best expresses your opinion?
    Absolutely sure that the defendant is not guilty Absolutely sure that the defendant is guilty

    If your professor gave you a code number for your class's data, put that code data in this box.
    Otherwise, leave the box empty.