Test Yourself

Take this quiz and see how you do. Select the correct answers by using the drop down menus. Once you are done, click submit to see your score! The ones that you get wrong will have a check!

1. Before-after ads should be very convincing because the pretest-posttest design has high internal validity.
2. The story of the ugly duckling is an example of
3. Repeatedly asking people about their attitudes on a topic may change those attitudes due to the testing effect.
4. Testing is easier to eliminate than instrumentation.
5. Regression effects are most likely when you use extreme scores.
6. If participants who scored extremely low on a test do better on the retest, you should most suspect
7. The most common source of mortality bias is death.
8. Participants who stay with a rigorous six-month exercise program lose weight. Of the following, which is the most serious threat to the study´s internal validity?

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