Student Resources for Chapter 8 of Research Design Explained:
Survey Research

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Review and improve your understanding of the material Quiz yourself Apply this information Get help
See how most of the key terms are connected by looking at this  concept map.


Understand Chapter 8's rules and slogans



Help with answering the end-of-chapter exercises.
Read these 13  tips for making sense of election polls from Harry Enten (the first 9 tips are especially valuable) Take some practice quizzes

Take the a short, general quiz over the entire chapter.

  • Take 13-item quizzes over the first  (biases and planning the survey) part of the chapter.
  • Take 15-item quizzes over the second (biases and types of questions) part of the chapter.
  • Take 9-item quizzes over the third (sampling and refining your survey) part  of the chapter.
  • Take 8-item quizzes over the fourth (statistics) part of the chapter .

Read this short article to be sure you understand what margin of error and confidence intervals mean

See why sampling bias is a problem



Further review the material by reading the chapter summary.

If you need to review what different correlation coefficients mean , download "The Correlator."

  • Windows version (When you try to run it, MS defender may give you a warning. If so, click on Defender's  "More Info" link, and then click the "Run anyway" button)
  • Macintosh version

Before taking a quiz or test over Chapter 8, be sure you can answer these review questions.

Review by



If your questionnaire contains a scale, download this Excel program to evaluate the reliability and construct validity of that scale. To use this Excel program, you should have (1) given several participants your questionnaire, (2) calculated a score for each participant that is the sum of the participant's responses to the odd-numbered questions (1, 3, 5, etc.) that make up your scale (for this sum, ignore  survey questions that are not part of the scale), and  (3) a score for each participant that is the sum of the participant's questions to the even-numbered questions (2,4, 6, etc.) on your scale (again, don't include survey questions that are not part of your scale ). Although not necessary, It would also be helpful if you had a score for each participant on another related measure.  

Chapter 8 exercises


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