Test Yourself

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1. A researcher's most important concern about a study is whether the study is ethical.
2. A researcher does not have to justify the value of deceiving participants about the purpose of a study as long as no harm is done to the participants.
3. Investigators in a study are not only responsible for their own personal conduct during the administration of a study, investigator may also be responsible for ensuring that others involved in the study also behave ethically.
4. As long as a researcher follows APA´s ethical guidelines, the researcher can be assured that his or her study is ethical.
5. Even if a study is unlikely to harm participants, the study might be unethical if the study is unlikely to contribute to psychological science or human welfare.
6. Determining the value of a research question is a highly objective process.
7. If a researcher applies a simple criteria provided by APA, it is relatively easy for the researcher to be fair and impartial when weighing the benefits of his or her own research against the costs to participants.
8. It is important for a researcher to consult other knowledgeable people before conducting because others may provide the researcher with insights about how to protect participants from harm.
9. As long as you have carefully planned it out, it is okay for a student to conduct a study without consulting with his or her professor.

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